What’s In Your Water?

AquaSource offers a FREE On-Site Water Analysis. Contact us today to have one of our water specialists determine the most efficient and economical way to CLEAN your water.
When AquaSource Visits your home we can test for:
Hardness: Water Hardness refers to the amount of calcium in your water. Hard water leaves spots, uses more product, leaves build up in pipes, and can over time damage appliances.
Iron: Iron isn’t harmful but can affect taste and leave reddish brown stains around your home. There are many types of iron. Some of them being Ferrous, Ferric and Bacterial. Bacterial Iron is the worst kind to have in your well as it is the most damaging.
pH: The pH of your water will tell you if it’s acidic or alkaline. A low pH is acidic and a high pH is alkaline.
TDS: Total Dissolved Solids are the amount of minerals, salts or metals that are dissolved in your water. These are not separated out when this reading is done. A separate lab test would be needed for individual readings such as lead.
Sulfur: Hydrogen Sulfide gas produces an offensive “rotten egg” or “sulfur water” odor and taste in the water that is usually noticeable when the water is first turned on or when the hot water is run. Heat forces the gas into the air. It can be treated with activated carbon filters, oxidizing filters or chemical oxidation and filtration.
Chlorine: Used in tap water to kill germs, but increased the risk of cancer by 93%.